Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tuesday August 23, 2011: i like to play this game called "construction or accident."

i've spent the whole day driving, or so it feels, so i'm going to spend this whole blog post making observations and commenting on other people's driving:

  • each time i passed someone who was going slow in the left lane today (which unfortunately was quite a few times) i turned to get a good look at them/stare them down only to find that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS ON THEIR PHONE! k, honestly guys if you don't know how to talk and use cruise control at the same time then maybe you shouldn't be driving in the first place. this brings me to point number two.
  • cruise control. i spent the entire distance from filmore to provo basically playing tag with a car because she apparently didn't know how to use cruise control. the back of her car said "byu or bust" so i knew she obviously wasn't that smart to being with (kidding, dad). she would speed up and pass me using the left lane, tricking me into thinking she was a good driver, and then get back in the right lane and slow down enough that i had to pass her. now, me being a better than average utah driver i know how to use cruise control so my speed stayed the exact same this entire time but she would fluctuate between 65 and 80 within a matter of minutes. retarded.
  • the car in front of me in nephi was watching the little mermaid. i was tempted to drive behind it and watch for a little while but then they decided that they wanted to go 70 instead of the speed limit of 75 so i had to leave that dream behind. 
  • every time i drive home from logan i like to play this game called "construction or accident." you would think this game is pretty straightforward and easy to win but alas it is not. whenever i get backed up in traffic i try to guess the source, whether it's construction or a car accident, as the name implies. right when i get myself convinced that it's gotta be an accident because i can see police lights and there's no way i'm coming up on my fourth construction site in three hours, i'm wrong. because there are always, without fail, police lights flashing even when it's just a construction zone. my favorite twist in the game is when traffic is so backed up that i get to spend 20 minutes going 10 miles per hour because each idiot car that drives past the construction zone wants to get a look at what all the commotion is about, so instead of going 65 like the good sign says we're allowed to, they're going 15. (side note: i'm staying at a friend's apartment at oakridge tonight because she got to move in early as a freshman, and the people upstairs are running around and giggling. it's 2 AM! i hate freshman.) 
  • while i was driving today i thought of this poem that i think mrs. madden had us read in my creative writing class. aaand i just tried to look that poem up but apparently i put way too much faith in my googling abilities and not enough in my ability to remember the words of the poem so i couldn't find it. it said something to the effect of "are the organisms inside the metal bodies the guts or the brains?" it was talking about watching humans drive from an aliens perspective and how half the time we don't use our brains enough to be considered anything more than guts. sigh, if any of you had madden and can remember what this poem was you should tell me, because i'm starting to feel sliiiightly retarded for writing an entire paragraph without actually having the poem to share with you. 


Becca said...

Southbound on the Freeway---Swenson?

Becca said...

Great post btw!