Monday, August 8, 2011

ciera the great.

so, you know how you meet those people in your life who are just amazing? they'll give anything they have if someone else expresses the need for it? over the past year i've become really good friends with one such individual. her name is ciera jeppson and if you know this girl you don't need me to explain why she's so great but if you haven't had the pleasure to make her acquaintance just yet i'll share the interactions i've had with her so you can judge for yourself.

first, when i moved up here to logan one of my roommates was the great katie used-to-be-berryessa-but-went-and-got-married-and-now-she's-a gish. katie was pretty good friends with ciera and so we'd have sunday dinners occasionally. ciera would invite us all over to her house where she usually had a legit dinner mostly made, and if free food wasn't enough she would almost always have dessert. seriously, so many brownie points there.

second, when me and katrina were being kicked out of our apartment last may we had a bit of a situation with getting our stuff relocated. the kid who had originally volunteered his truck for us to use backed out literally at midnight the night before we were supposed to be completely moved out. both me and katrina worked the next morning, me at 8 and her at 10. i got sooo frustrated because i knew there was no way we'd be able to move our stuff in time. katrina called the amazing ciera and not only did she come over straight from working a twelve hours shift but she let us use her car to transport stuff to her house where she let us keep it in her back room. and as if that wasn't enough, she even stayed until four in the morning and helped us clean until we were done. serious.

and now today, she brought over some boxes from her work for me and katrina to use as we prepare to pack up, yet again, and move in a few weeks here. not only did she bring boxes but she brought us a whole cheese cake with accompanying strawberries. just because. honestly, how can you not love this girl?! oh, did i forget to mention that she's also letting us stay at her house while we're going to be homeless in a few weeks. she's seriously the best.


Jenny Lee Talbot said...

I love Ciera. She and her family are some of the most giving and unselfish people I've ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with. I'm sad I don't get to see her as often as I used to :(

Katie Gish said...

Ciera is the greatest! How about how she is always so prepared. Like you go to go on a hike with her and she packed two water bottles in case you didn't have one. And when she made Trina the cutest most awesome sack lunches when Trina was stuck at work just because. Or the time when I was too poor to go to The Howl on Halloween so she spent the Halloween night playing silly games with me. She is the great. Tell her that.

Trina :) said...

Ciera is awesome. She has seriously saved our butts sooo many times. She is constantly thinking of other people and what she can do to help them. If only more people were like her. And Katie, those sack lunches were the best lunches I have ever had.

Also, I'm super bummed I missed out on this cheesecake!!