so i'm a little... peeved, you might say, at the number of people who come to my work, take one look at my name tag and get all sorts of excited that i might be hispanic. "your name es María?! Hablas espaniol?!" and then i have to put on my apologetic face and shake my head, as if i too wish, more than anything else in the world, that i was able to speak spanish to help enhance their optical experience at our store. (alright, so after rereading that sentence i will acknowledge that i really do wish i could speak spanish, i'm just tired of being confused for hispanic.) i thought moving to a little place like cache valley would minimize the amount of spanish speaking seekers there are out there, i guess not.
so, with all that said... is it way tacky to give yourself a nick name? yes? no? awesome. i will hereby be known as princess beyonce until this epidemic ceases.
speaking of work, i totally broke a guys glasses the other day. in over two years of handling random stranger's glasses it was my first pair i've ever broken. according to my coworkers i'm now officially a legitimate optician, not that the title of "legitimate" helped the situation at all. the glasses were still broken and i was still way embarrassed. i got really lucky though, the guy was more than nice about it, and the glasses were so old he couldn't even remember what decade he got them in. still, i couldn't help but catch my breath when the nose piece snapped off ever so delicately while i cleaned his lenses and i realized i'd have to go back out there with a broken something that he'd brought to us whole. i have a feeling next time i won't be so lucky.
oh! i just thought of another work story. so, yesterday this asian guy, with a very thick accent, came into work. he was super animated and everytime he'd try to explain something to me he'd get exasperated and make a face that was accompanied with a clicking noise of sorts. his eye brows were all over the place and he had no noise control. and i found him absolutely hilarious. the only problem is, he wasn't doing it to be hilarious, so i had to keep reminding myself that i hate being laughed at to try and stop myself from laughing at him. anyway, last night i found this picture, which is EXACTLY HOW HE TALKED! oh man, i could not stop laughing. haha even now... looking at this... still laughing. i'm such a child.
this post is sooo incoherent and scattered. i am so sorry. it's late, i'm tired. and with that said, i think it's time for bed now. i have to get up "early" because i'm heading to bountiful for my cousin's wedding. i'm hoping to get a lot of good pictures, quality memories, and loads of free food out of the experience. i'll be sure to keep you posted if any of those three things happen :)
1 comment:
funny story.
i work at a call center.
and a kid literally just did this thing. he called someone named maria, and immediately started speaking spanish.
then he had to start speaking english because she couldn't understand him.
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