in order to tell this story in it's fullest i have to start with last night (or tuesday night for those of you not reading this in the middle of the night on wednesday when i first post it). i was wasting time on the internet, as usual, when i started getting way fun stomach pains (saaarcasm). you know the type that come out of no where with such an intensity that all you can do is just curl up in a ball, and then the pain subsides and you think you might actually live through the pain and then it hits you again? yeah, that's what was going on and since i hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary that day i thought maybe i'd just caught something. by 2 o'clock i'd eventually accepted the fact that i would most likely be spending the rest of the night hugging the toilet. however, around 4:30 ish the pain subsided, for good this time, and i was able to fall asleep.
now, fast forward to this morning: i had the pleasure of waking up to a phone call and subsequent message, at 11:15. from my manager. i was supposed to be to work at 11. yes. in a blind panic i managed to get changed into work clothes, pull my hair up, apply a coat of mascara and a wash of blush, grab two pieces of bread, and make it out the door all in time to be clocked in to work by 11:30. talk about a stressful morning.
however, this situation helped me realize just how lucky i really am. first, when i got to work and explained to my manager why i was late she just kinda laughed instead of getting mad at me. i can't help but think there aren't very many managers who would react with laughter instead of reprimands. reason number two: because i was late for work i only had time to grab a few pieces of bread for breakfast, so around 2 o'clock i started getting really, really hungry. it was also at about that same time that jimmy johns just so happened to come in our store, handing out free samples of sandwiches. hunger: vanquished. seriously, so lucky.
and now, to finish off this post, here are a few pictures from the rest of my surprisingly good day.

cheese cake from my previous post about the amazing miss ciera.
i've recently become strangely obsessed with a nail blog i found and so i tried out one of their tutorials. it actually turned out really well (pretend there isn't any polish on my skin. thank you)
and the dinner that i made for myself. it's one of the only legit meals i know how to cook: italian chicken served with green beans and either italian pasta, a potato, or rice.
i also spent three hours reading catching fire* (finally) and i'm nearly done with it. i don't have a picture of this feat though, so you're just going to have to trust me.
*edit: it's actually mockingjay. i have no idea why i can't keep those two books straight.
*edit: it's actually mockingjay. i have no idea why i can't keep those two books straight.
1 comment:
Catching Fire? I would've thought you would be finished with the Hunger Games already?! I'm having a hard time getting into it. This darn iPad is messing me up. Your the princess of procrastination-- I am QUEEN!
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