Friday, November 2, 2012

Thankvember: Day 1.

For some reason I've felt compelled over these past few days leading up to November to start some sort of self improvement thing. I've had quite a bit of free time on my hands this semester and that's lead to a lot of personal introspection.

While I was searching for the perfect 30 day challenge I came across the idea of Thankvember. Despite the awful name, I've decided this might be exactly what I need. Lately I've been feeling like my boots are a little heavy with stress and worry and nothing combats that quite as fast as counting your blessings. Even though it's nearly 4AM on what is technically November 2nd I think I'm still going to do this. So, without further adieu:

Today/Tonight, I'm really grateful that I even have the desire to perfect myself. I am glad that I recognize my faults, or at least some of them, and search for ways to fix them. There may be a lot of things I'm not sure about in this life, but one thing I do know is I have the power to make my life better by improving my habits and abilities. And so that is what I plan on doing.

Alright, so even though I hate the name, I hope I'll be able to stick with this whole Thankvember thing. And if things go well tomorrow I'll have a major thing to be thankful for tomorrow. Cross your fingers for me!

In light of this New Year's-esque project I have a song I've been really fond of lately. I'd heard this song last year but then kinda forgot about it until last week when I went to a house show to see Greg Holden play (swoon!) and Ian Axel's band was the closing act. So. Good.


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