Monday, February 6, 2012

traveler's journal: a list of accomplishments.

so i figure, not only am i super tired and therefore not quite mentally capable of writing in depth about my adventures today, but i also figure you guys don't want to read a 1,500 word essay on what i ate and where i spent my hard earned money on this here 6th of february. therefore i shall make you a quick list, as i am prone to do. 

lets begin: i...
-woke up at 6:45 AM all by myself (yes, i feel the need to document this every time it happens.)
-met my english studies advisor
-registered at the university
-got a bank account/card
-sold a $2 for € 2,50 to the dude who works at the bank. take that crappy currency conversion rate!
-tried a krapfen, or doughnut, and it was divine.
-learned and then recognized a german word: bitte. 
-bought my first two bars of european chocolate. mm mm mmmm. 
-purchased 5 country train ticket pass
-planned a trip to paris... for tomorrow
-secured a new blow drier to replace the one i blew
-went to FHE/ got free dinner. 
-found out how to walk home if i ever stay out too late for my bus (which will never happen because i'm -really, really good at making it home by curfew)
-and finally set up my internet. 

also, quick story time: so i was trying to find a photo booth thing to get a passport-esque picture taken for my bank card in one of the many, many mall type shops here (fun fact: this building was not only a shop on the bottom floor, but it was also city hall on the top two floors. they are the weirdest.) but i was having troubles. so i did what i always do, and started asking people if they spoke english and if they knew where the photo booth was. one particular man actually approached me first, that's how lost i looked, so i asked him if he spoke english. he started laughing, almost like i'd just asked him if his mom loved him and if his nose were on the end of his face and he then proceeded to give me directions in english with a very austrialian (from austrialia... not austria) accent. turns out i was supposed to be able to tell by looking at him that he wasn't a native german speaker... i guess.
alright, now that i've written that i'm unsure why i felt it was so worthy to share. gonna blame this one on the jetlag... because that's completely relevant. 

well, i think it's bed time now. or at least time to wait another 15 minutes for a 3 minute youtube video to load completely. while i'm on the 12 hour train ride tomorrow i'll write more interesting/in depth blogs for you guys. but until then, tschüss!

1 comment:

Booking It With Sandi said...

I wish that I had talked to you before you left and thought to ask you if you had a european conversion plug. Now you know...
I am so ready to travel, but alas. I am not young anymore and no one wants to go with me.
thanks for sharing your experiences with us so atleast it
is like I am with you.

Guten Nacht Mia. Just had to through in my german there.