Monday, August 22, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011: New stereo and Family Videos

Heeey guys, guess what? I got a new stereo deck thing. 
The one and only Jerrick helped me install it, and rather effortlessly too. In January my ipod’s radio transmitter broke and I’ve been listening to old CD’s from my sophomore year of high school ever since. (I was totally going to insert a picture of my cds that i would spend hours coloring with sharpies in high school buuuut i seem to have left those on my other hard drive. apologies)
Although they are decorated prettily, my music taste has changed for the most part (not so much into that angry stuff, although it still does make me laugh) and I’m definitely beyond excited to drive home with this new bad boy. It has an ipod USB connecter thing so it’ll even display who the artist is on my dash. SO excited.

So we watched home videos today after a legit dinner of my first taste of steak in a few months (I never thought I’d be able to go vegetarian, and then I moved out on my own and basically accidentally became one). The first video we watched was of me as a 12 year old, and can I just say, Oh. My. Awkward. I am sooo glad that that version of me was only temporary. I was probably the most awkward, obnoxious and ugly sixth grader out there. Not only did I have that pre-pubescent body shape of slightly overweight baby fat, but I also had awesome acne and a wicked perm. Aaand because my hair was so thick the perm pulled out at the top and left me with straight hair on top to awful poodle curly hair on bottom. Never again. The second hour (yep we watched them for that long) of home videos was me as a seven year old and the whole time I kept thinking just how much me and brooke looked, and even kinda acted, alike. (once again, I wish I had pictures of us to compare side by side, however, my mom is trying to drag me out the door to go shopping right now so I don't really care to look for one. apologies) I don’t know whether I should apologize or congratulate brooke on what she has to look forward to.

Also, can I just say I am digging being home? I love being able to go sit outside when I’m getting a little chilly and warm right back up in five minutes. I love having my little puppy to sit and pet and play tag with (she legit plays tag, and it’s the best thing.) I love having left overs in the fridge. I just feel like I’m surrounded by friends when I’m here (I know I’m totally going to get made fun of for that last part. My parents have made it a point to mock me for these blog entries. The things I do for you, internet diary). I took a bunch of pictures today that I haven’t quite gotten around to editing yet, so I’ll probably post those tomorrow… if I feel like it.  

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